Strong Leader Institute – Coral Gables, FL
2018 and beyond
The most recent STRONG Leader Institute took place October 2019. There were leaders from multiple industries who visited from across the U.S. Each leader had different strengths, but everyone left stronger than when they arrived. That event was one for the books!
Get ready for the BW Leadership Academy on September 20-21, 2021 in Orlando, FL!

April 2019

August 2019

October 2019
“There was a moment during this very well-organized, well-appointed and professional academy when I realized it is not your weaknesses that you need to “fix” or “re-learn” in order to become an effective leader. Rather, you need to recognize precisely what your strengths are and then maximize those gifts to manage around your shortcomings. This was the first time I was involved in a continuing education session that took this approach.”
– Tina DuPont, Director of Marketing & Communications
“This academy was a blessing to me professionally and personally. As a leader I spend so much time on helping others be the best they can be. To take the time to give that attention to my self was rejuvenating. The information I gained about my own strengths were very insightful and can be implemented immediately.”
– Cheryl Green, VP of HR
“The BW Leadership Academy was an incredible experience of self-discovery for me. The sessions take you closer to your own personal strengths and reveal opportunities to grow as a leader. The workshops open your eyes to actions you can take to improve your leadership style and to be impactful. Accept Nothing Less.”
– Kelly Cuellar, Director of Operations
“I had the great pleasure of attending the BW Leadership Academy in Phoenix and I wanted to share with my friends and contacts what a great experience it was. Bryan is dedicated to delivering great content and a first rate event. The academy class included men and women at various stages in their career and from a range of industries. But the material and the discussions were relevant to everyone. I am already using concepts we discussed.”
– Mike Tippets, VP Media Solutions